Welcome to the Student Support Services DIVISION OFFICE at Fullerton College

The Student Support Services Division Office is committed to the success of all Fullerton College students. The departments and programs in this division address issues such as student engagement, leadership development, academic success, and food insecurity in order to provide support for the Fullerton College community.


Cruz Reynoso Hall, Building 200
Room 223 (2nd Floor)


Currently, Student Support Services houses a variety of programs and departments that include:

AssociatedStudents Icon

Associated Students

Make your voice heard! Join the group that represents students in Fullerton College’s government. AS is meeting virtually.

Phone: (714) 992-7118
Email: AS@fullcoll.edu
website: as.fullcoll.edu 




CalWORKs is a program designed to help students on public assistance get the support to begin building the foundations of self-sufficiency and access to vital services.

Phone: (714) 992-7101
Email: calworks@fullcoll.edu
website: calworks.fullcoll.edu 


Care Icon


The Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education (CARE) program provides resources and support necessary for disadvantaged single parent students to improve their educational opportunities.

Phone: (714) 992-7097
Email: EOPSInfo@fullcoll.edu
website: care.fullcoll.edu 

DSS Icon


Disability Support Services advocates for the integration of students with disabilities into the mainstream at FC by providing educational accommodations and other support.

Phone: (714) 992-7099
Email: dsp@fullcoll.edu
website: dss.fullcoll.edu 

EOPS icon


EOPS provides resources and support to students who have educationally and socioeconomically disadvantaged backgrounds.

Phone: (714) 992-7097
Email: EOPSInfo@fullcoll.edu
website: eops.fullcoll.edu 


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Food Bank

The Chris Lamm & Toni DuBois-Walker Memorial Food Bank encourages students that struggle with food insecurities to explore options on ways to promote nutrition and healthy eating.

Phone: (714) 992-7162
Email: fcfoodbank@fullcoll.edu
website: fcfoodbank.fullcoll.edu/




The FYSI program is committed to supporting ambitious, college-bound students exiting the foster care system.

Phone: (714) 992-7000 ext. 24115
Email: fosteryouth@fullcoll.edu
website: fosteryouth.fullcoll.edu



Health Icon

Health Center

The Student Health Center provides a variety of clinical services and COVID-19 referral resources.

Phone: (714) 992-7093
website: health.fullcoll.edu/



SLL icon

Student Life

The warm and welcoming Office of Student Life and Leadership team helps you get involved with your campus and community through an array of services.

Phone: (714) 992-7095
Email: studentlife@fullcoll.edu
website: studentlife.fullcoll.edu/


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The Veterans Resource Center serves veterans, military personnel, and family members and dependents of those who have served in the U.S. military

Phone: (714) 992-7102
Email: veterans@fullcoll.edu
website: veterans.fullcoll.edu 



In addition, Student Support Services provides oversight for these sections:

Campus Services

FC Current Students

Learn about all resources available to students across our campus!

website: fullcoll.edu/students/


Student Call Center

Have a question? Feel free to call us!

Phone: (714) 992-7029
Email: stuservcallcenter@fullcoll.edu

Contact Us

Phone (714) 992-7089

Rocio Becerra
Interim Dean, Student Support Services
Title IX Coordinator

Rachel Roschel
Administrative Assistant III

Graciela Galaviz
Student Services Specialist